
Welcome to my blog! I’m incredibly excited to be serving as a Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) through the Presbyterian Church (USA).  The YAV Program is a one year service opportunity for young adults like me.  I am living in an intentional community with other YAVs in Denver, Colorado. I am serving alongside others at Early Head Start, a comprehensive Early Childhood Education program for low-income families.

Please read more about the YAV Program here.


Darby Teander
Young Adult Volunteer in Denver, CO
22 y/o Female (she/her/hers)

Appalachian State University
Majoring in Music Education
Graduating Fall 2018

Church Affiliation
Rumple Memorial Presbyterian Church
Blowing Rock, NC

Why I Want to Serve as a YAV…

                  In my time at Appalachian, my campus ministries group has been a huge part of my life and a saving grace.  I’ve grown in my faith and have become more convicted of what it means to live it out.  I am extremely passionate about social justice issues and truly believe MLK’s words, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”.  I want this year to be a life-changing one, full of personal and spiritual growth.   I also recognize the opportunity to volunteer for a year of service carries with it a level of privilege, but I’m excited to learn how to live into that nuance and discomfort while maintaining a passion for social justice to empower those I’ll serve beside.